Case Studies
Citron clothing leveraged Analyze360 to identify a potential market of .5 million consumers. Using a lookalike audience they were able to yield 4x performance over previous email and social media campaigns.
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The BrakeSquad did a comprehensive analysis of their customer data using Analyze360. The analysis provided insights on how to expand, increase profitability, and improve customer satisfaction.
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Temes consulting combined the sociometric and psychographic data of 125,000,000 existing car owners, to get unprecedented insight into the automobile preferences and habits of all Americans.
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Angie’s List discovered how to target their best customers, those who write reviews, by working with us. After contacting high propensity customers they improved their marketing response by 30%
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Habitat for Humanity tested the seasonality of donor activity and discovered that monetary donations were more prevalent during the Winter months whereas volunteer activity was higher in the summer months.
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Jewelry or Petite Line?
After using Analyze360 a nation-wide women’s clothing retailer changed direction by adding a jewelry line when they discovered jewelry ranked higher for their customer base. Saving the retailer money and providing their customers more of what they wanted.

Finally a segmentation tool where price, resources, and expertise are no longer obstacles. Analyze360 is a robust and on-demand tool that’s built from years of expertise in data science. Our variables allow your to pinpoint your ideal consumer, donor, voter, or any other target audience. With better information about socio-demographics, lifestyles and behaviors, the sky is the limit with how you can help your organization.
Targeted Crowdsource?
An online community for crowd-sourcing reviews saw a 20-40% increase in their re-marketing efforts after using Analyze360 to profile their customers and compare them to their re-marketing audience.

Flat Revenue
After several years of flat revenue, a car dealership experienced 317% revenue growth based on customer insights from Analyze360.